SYRETT is a contemporary artist who worked for 20 years as an accomplished textile designer and fashion stylist before moving into the world of fine art.
SYRETT has developed a unique style, using nail polish to create striking abstract designs.
“I’m passionate about art being open, and by creating these bespoke furniture pieces with ROOME LONDON, I hope that I can bring my art to a broader audience. There’s no reason why art has to sit on a wall, to be art. I love the idea of people beginning to see that functional doesn’t have to be boring or unattractive, and although these pieces are technically seen as furniture, they are as much a piece of art as anything I have ever created.”

Each print is created by pouring, dripping and moving nail polish on a Perspex sheet no bigger than 10cm. This is then photographed and enlarged during the printing process. The original is then destroyed, as SYRETT believes that by doing so the prints become the original art.